Wednesday 17 October 2012

four-wheeled freedom

Since our last post, we've been irrigating, mango-ing, aquaculture-ing, and finally, in the midst of all that chaos, we succumbed to the joys of petrochemical transportation and purchased a vehicle.  Although, it might be one of the smallest four-wheeled hunks of metal on the road, so we'll try not to feel too bad.

Nikky the Nissan may be just barely large enough for Devon's height (and no, the seat is not adjustable, we tried), but it's cute, fuel efficient (even more highly desirable in a country with a recurring fuel shortage, not to even mention the carbon cost), and it happens to be one of the more common cars around town. So we finally fit in!

Well, perhaps not quite, but at least we have a readily available market for spare parts (useful considering the amount of work she needs). In actuality, two azungus driving a very local vehicle is even stranger than the alternative (i.e. a huge ostentatious gas guzzling Hilux. At least that's predictable). The looks and even outright questioning we get while perched on her little bench are analogous to those we are prey to when we bike around town. White people! Biking! It cannot be.

Don't worry, we (well, Devon more so than me) are still enamoured with the motorcycle, but we finally decided to invest in something that can carry us, along with our gear. Although I was looking forward to the giggling that would come from trying to pack the bouldering mat & tent on the back of the bike... Aerodynamic is not a word that comes to mind.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a great picture of a family of 5 on a motorbike that I should send you, Char, but Nikky looks like a great new ride. And it's white! Just like you two are!
