Friday 18 January 2013

snow, sun, and a proposal

A post, for post-Cape Town.

We made it home, and it was good. Four weeks spent frolicking in the mountains and rainy streets of Van was just what our sun-soaked brains needed. Oh, to be cold! The luxury of a down duvet in the winter. And, the luxury of time away to contemplate life, to take a step back from the day to day and consider the next steps. To consider the lives we have lived versus the path we are currently wandering, and those we might trespass to in the future.

Community, conversation, and some mountain shaped trips. 'Twas all good.
our home in the mountains for a few days in early January.

and....we got engaged! Our Malawian colleagues will be delighted to know we are no longer living in sin. Or, at least we're a step further away. I hear that at this stage we're expected to plan a wedding. Since I've never been one to imagine my Perfect Wedding (let alone a dress), we're in discussion mode. All we know thus far is that it will be outdoors. That's a start, right?

As we prepare to sign on for a lifetime of matrimonial bliss. Devon's beard is getting gray just thinking about it. 
We're incredibly thankful to all the folk who made time for us in their busy lives to spend some quality time together. Trying to pack a life into four weeks is quite the challenge, but we felt really lucky to have seen so many people that are important to us, and especially to have enjoyed several occasions where many of them got together in the same space. So, so appreciated. 

the view into my wee hometown

Sam, Devon & I, loving the up tracks. Jenn at the camera.

So for now, we're back in the southern hemisphere, and will be for a few months yet. There's work to be done (more on this later), a house to pack up, a puppy to find a home for, parents to entertain (mine, on a visit in the spring!), and the whole of Africa to explore.

Or at least some of it.

Til next time,

C & D.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, rich, reflective and fun - just like you two! Thanks for the post and finding time to visit Mom and me. And BIG HUGE congratulations! I'm over the moon - yeah, that glittering crescent out my window on this clear, cold Saturday aft! Sue
